4 Powerful Confidence-Boosting Tips for New Lash Artists

by | Aug 24, 2017 | Students | 0 comments

Choosing to become a lash artist is a wonderful and rewarding experience! As with any career, there are bumps along the road to success and somedays those bumps can feel more like mountains. Trust me when I say, I remember those days (and sometimes still have them!) So, the next time your chips are down, remember these four confidence-boosting tips that will help you get through!

1. Be resilient. Resilience is something that is learned. Inevitably, clients will complain and others will criticize your work. Look at each hardship as an opportunity for you to grow stronger.

2. Focus on the good. No matter how bad of a day you are having, try to find one positive thing about your day. As the old saying goes, think happy thoughts! You got this far because you’ve worked hard and you deserve it!

3. Make time for yourself. It’s easy to get burned-out quickly-! Especially when the world of lashing is new to you. Allow enough time in between appointments to help limit your stress and DON’T forget to schedule a lunch break. Allowing yourself some time to recharge and reflect will help boost your confidence and improve your focus so you can create beautiful set after set to build your business.

4. Practice on friends/family. This is a great tip for beginning last artists. Practicing on your friends/family will take away a lot of the pressure that comes along with taking on your first new client. You will feel more comfortable working with someone you know and they can provide honest feedback to help get you prepare for your first client.

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