Buildup? Back Away from the Water & Wash Cloth!

by | May 12, 2015 | Customers, Lash Education | 0 comments

eyelash extension buildup

Your beautiful extensions can get buildup. Here’s how to clean them.

You got your eyelash extensions done at iLash Charlotte. You’re looking and feeling great. Lunch with the girls. Movie with mom and dad. QT with your sweetheart—you’ve had a full day. Now it’s time for bed.


WAIT!  Before you mindlessly dive into your normal routine, you’ve got some thing to think about (now that you have eyelash extensions).

Back away from the water and your wash cloth!

“So how do I take care of my eyelash extensions” you ask?

If you just got them done, don’t get them wet for the first 24 hours. Don’t go splashing water on your face at the sink. Avoid running water directly on the lashes (that means don’t put your face under the shower). Yes, your eyelash extensions are waterproof but running water directly on them may affect how long they stay in place. iLash Charlotte sells eyelash shampoo that’s safe for your extensions and cleansing brushes that won’t get caught on the lashes. Most people use Q-Tips to clean their lashes but the fibers on Q-Tips can get caught on your lashes. Whether you use a lot of makeup or not, using a cleansing brush to remove debris or makeup from the base the lashes is best. If they aren’t cleaned properly, buildup will occur over time. If you choose to use soap and water instead of a lash cleanser, use a mild antibacterial soap like Cetaphil or Neutrogena, then pat your lashes dry.

*What about mascara? Can I apply mascara to eyelash extensions?”

We professionals recommend that you do not use mascara or heavy eyeliner on your extensions. They can create buildup at the bottom of your lashes and cause unnecessary weight. This potentially can cause premature breakage of the natural lash. Mascara contains glycol, which is a common active ingredient that breaks down cosmetics. If you must, only apply mascara on your tips. Stay away from waterproof formulas.

best eyeliners

Best eyeliners for semi-permanent lashes

Speaking of makeup, our customers told us about eyeliners they love to use. Find them here — Eyeliner: What’s Best for Lash Extensions.

Now that we’ve told you how to clear the buildup on your lash extensions, set your next appointment: iLash Charlotte, 678-698-1556.

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