How To Spark Creativity As A Lash Artist

by | May 23, 2019 | Students | 0 comments

I’ve always preferred the title “Lash Artist” over “Lash Tech” mostly because what we do truly is a form of art.

Lashing requires creativity and forward-thinking much like the mindset of an artist. If you think about it, there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to lashing. Sure, there are technical elements that never change, but every at of lashes you do requires a certain degree of creativity.

Here are a few ways to spark yours…

Listen & Learn

Sometimes, clients think they know what they want. Whether it’s a picture from Pinterest or a description of what their friend has, most of the time, it’s not for them. Take the time to get to know your client. What look are they really going for? Are they active? Do they wear makeup? These types of questions can help you make suggestions for a set they’ll love that actually works for them!

Market Creatively

Find ways to stand out from the crowd! Don’t just post photos of your work and expect people to flood through the doors of your studio. Try cross-marketing with another beauty industry colleague. Do live videos, be active on social media, run an advertisement…It’s important to find ways to stand out from the crowd especially when you are starting out.

Advance Your Training

A creative lash artist never stops learning. There’s always going to be a new trend or a better way to do things- don’t miss out! If you really want to stay on top of your game, then you need to continue your education.

Create A Vision Board

This is something I highly recommend and have made part of my life. If you want to continue to grow and spark creativity, then you have to understand where you are going in life. Vision boards are inspiring and motivating. They help you strive to do better and stay on track. A vision board can help you create a path to success in your lash business.

Take A Break

As with any career, it’s important to take a break. Even lash artists and entrepreneurs need their rest. Sometimes, taking a break (aka a day off) can help you press “reset” so you can recharge. Challenge yourself to do something other than lashes for at least one day each week.

Above all, be happy with what you have in life. There’s no greater disappointment than having a more, more, more, mindset. Find the perfect balance between self-improvement and self-fulfillment and try not to get stuck in the grey area in between the two.


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