Too much of a good thing; 3 things you DON’T want to overdo as a lash artist

by | Feb 1, 2017 | Lash Education, Students | 0 comments

It’s no secret that we LOVE lashes but there are certain things lash artists can overdo that will result in a bad set of lashes. If you are just starting your career as a lash artist, keep in mind that too much of the following can actually be a bad thing.

1. Too much length/thickness in corners. As lash artists, our goal is to lash each natural lash or as close to it as each appointment allows. The same is true for corner lashes except they need a little more TLC. Be careful not to weigh down corner lashes with longer lengths and thicker lashes or else they’ll appear to droop.

2. Too much adhesive. This is an especially common rookie mistake. If you want to avoid a sticky mess, less is more when it comes to adhesive. Too much glue will make your client’s lashes stick together and reduce the retention of their extensions.

3. Too many appointments. Don’t overdo your schedule! Aside from running yourself ragged, you might not be scheduling enough time for each appointment to create lashes that will set you apart from the competition. The key to building your lash business is building your clientele so you’ll want to reserve enough time to give each client a fabulous set of lashes each time.

Looking for more mentoring tips? Check out Lash Affair’s private mentoring options near you.

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