5 Steps To Cultivate Professional (Yet Meaningful) Relationships With Your Clients

by | Sep 26, 2019 | Students | 0 comments

I don’t want to brag, but my iLash Charlotte clients are some of the best around! Over the years, I’ve created such wonderful relationships with many of my clients. After all, if you’re going to spend 2 hours with someone every few weeks, you need to learn how to communicate in a way that’s comfortable and enjoyable for you both.

Here are some of my tips:

Listen first

As a lash artist, it’s important to remember that you are running a business and with that comes good manners. I’ve found that a lot of times my clients just want to vent and unwind. It’s almost therapeutic for them to share their thoughts, problems, and successes in life. I genuinely enjoy being a good listener while lashing!

Remember, no two clients are the same

I have clients who love to chat for hours and others who come for their lash nap. I always make a point to remember my client preferences to provide the best lash experience possible

Be clear and concise

I personally like texting but it’s not for everyone. However, you decide to communicate with your clients (from booking to complaints) make sure you are clear so your time and your process are respected.

Don’t get too personal

Even though some clients can feel like friends, make sure you remain professional during your communications. Stay away from the usual topics that are off-limits …politics, religion, sex, etc.

Learn how to say “no” the right way

Nobody likes to hear the word “no.” Try to avoid this word in your client communication and come up with a different way to respond. If you have tried all other alternatives and “no” is the only option left, try to phrase it in a more positive way.

For example, if your client asks if they can book a refill appointment on a certain date, and you can’t, instead of saying “no, I’m sorry,” say something like, “I won’t be able to get you in on that date, but I can get it back to you in X amount of time. Is that okay?” The way that you phrase things makes a world of difference!!

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