One of my favorite things to do each week is to share an inspiring quote for my fellow #boss ladies out there. Not just a light and fluffy quote you can read on every other page, real quotes that pack a punch! As we say goodbye to 2018, I wanted to share the top 3 quotes from iLash Charlotte to help inspire your 2019. Enjoy!

This was the top quote of 2018 on my feed! I love it because supporting women, their businesses, and their rights NEEDS to be a top priority in 2019. It’s not a post about politics, it’s a post about respect. Thanks for supporting it!

This one just hits home for me and I’m glad you all felt the same way too. It seems like success brings out the haters even when you least expect it. Head into the new year with a positive and support mindset. Don’t waste your precious time on negative energy or people. No one has ever risen by bringing someone else down.

This quote describes me perfectly! I did the fancy desk job but it just wasn’t who I am. I needed more, I longed for an outlet for my creativity. This is how I got my roots in the lash industry and I’m proud of how far I’ve made it today and you should be proud of your accomplishments, too!
Find what inspires you in the new year. Keep a positive mindset in the new year and beyond and you’ll thrive!