How to do lashes for cash with Free live models?

by | Nov 18, 2022 | General | 0 comments

This is your sign to start taking models now!

Want to start lashing for cash? I mean consistent revenue.

Taking in free models is where you want to start.


Story Time…

About five years ago, I had a new hire that wanted to work with me. However, she wasn’t ready to take clients quite yet.

So, I had her start taking models for free.


Here’s what happened…

The techniques that she learned from working on those models ended up earning her more money than the commission that I was willing to pay her for the service.

But that’s not all of it.

You can get way more benefits than big tips when you take in free models.



Here are the real benefits of working with free live models:


1. Free models are free marketing.


They’ll showcase your work without even intending to, this not only leads to more referrals but more brand awareness of your services and business. So do your best to make your art in lashing stand out.



2. Your first 20 models are your marketing campaign.


Look for 20 free models that are likely to become future clients once they’ve experienced your services. Hint: think of the industries where you can find persons that are likely going to want to have their lashes done consistently.



3. Pictures from your free models are perfect for marketing your services on your:

– website

– social media accounts

– business cards

– promotional paper products.



4. Learn how to book appointments and manage your schedule.


You’ll need a system for booking your clients and retaining them. The best part about working with free models is that you’ll get the experience of what it feels like to be “Fully Booked” and an idea of the system you’ll need to manage all of your clients.


Here’s a secret. When you take in models, they aren’t really there for free. Models are walking billboards and WILL bring you referrals over and over again. The more models you book, the more you will start to condition yourself to learn how to set time aside to Lash for cash.


Now, the only question left is “How?”


The 3 tips for finding models:


  • Hashtags and Facebook groups are great leads in finding models.


  • Hair salon owners and makeup artists could be potential models too.


  • Influencers or anyone who sees a lot of people could bring in traffic for you.



I know it may seem scary at first to spend so much time lashing for free, but once you start setting time aside to do models, this time will be the time that you get accustomed to making money.


So, are you ready to take in your first free model?

Or are you still trying to master your art in lashing first?


Get Certified and Master the Artistry and Systems of a “Fully Booked” Lash Artist in our Next Course Here.

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